There is this story of a wealthy man on a suicide mission that I would like to share with you. This man is happily married with two children that are doing just fine in school. Hi is a man of affluence and influence, having his home on an island, owning a fleet of cars and properties worth millions of dollars. He is highly reputable and has many companies registered in his name. You naturally wonder why such a person would want to terminate his life. One day, in frustration, he left home, determined to commit suicide. He went to the sea and was preparing to jump in when a young boy was passing by and saw what was happening. He asked the man, “Why are you trying to commit suicide? ”The man replied, “I have all I want in life: wealth, possession, fame, position but I do not feel fulfilled.”
We don’t know what happened to the man, but we do know that there is much more to life than what we are often led to believe. That sense of fulfillment is not always so easy to find. Many people think that it will come with wealth, fame or material possessions but many who have attained such things realize that this is not so.
Fulfillment is much more than this. It is learning to balance the many aspects of life; spiritually Mentally, Physically, Materially, Financially & Emotionally. It is about living a life of values; values such as tolerance, generosity and tranquility. It is about helping others attain their dreams and not just about fulfilling your own. Fulfillment represents an inner wealth that cannot be purchased with money.
Those with power and wealth in their own time are often forgotten in the next generation. The people who are remembered are those who gave their lives to a higher purpose for the betterment of mankind. People like Gandhi, ML King, Mandela and the great spiritual teachers of history will be remembered for many generations because they found true fulfillment in helping others.
And what about you? Have you ever stopped to think that everything you are or ever will be is completely up to you? You are where you are because of who you are. This spells total responsibility. Responsibility is the hallmark of the fully integrated, fully functioning human being. Take full responsibility for creating the life you want.
There are two major actions you have to take to see these principles work in your life: Do and Teach. Make a personal commitment to start doing them because as the saying goes ‘your father cannot do your press – up for you’; nobody will do it for you. Also, start teaching others what you learnt. There is a magic that happens whenever you apply a new knowledge; it becomes a part of you. Also when you teach, you gain more insight into the subject. Herbert Spencer said, “The great aim of education is not knowledge, the greatest aim of education is action.” So, take action, I guarantee you will attract the life you want, fulfill your destiny and become the person you want to become.