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Cybercrime Awareness and prevention Handbook
Africa offers a wealth of chances for startups and innovators looking to address cybersecurity risk across the increasingly digitized continent.
Cybersecurity presents an incredible market opportunity in Africa, with the number of internet users soaring and demand for IT security skills growing rapidly. Security skills and services are in high demand everywhere. And unfortunately cybercriminals’ interest in Africa is growing too.
One of the biggest challenges facing organizations around the world was a lack of skills to manage cybersecurity. According to the Future of Jobs 2023 report, cybersecurity is among the top strategically emphasized skills for the workforce. Yet, according to the ISC2 cyber workforce study in 2021 there is a shortage of 3.4 million cybersecurity experts to support today’s global economy.
Every challenge presents opportunities, in Africa we have the opportunity for individuals to upskill themselves as cybersecurity specialists, and for entrepreneurs and innovators to develop solutions to the growing cybersecurity challenge. We have opportunities for startups offering managed cybersecurity services, niche security and forensics services, and for developers and innovators who build security into their solutions from the ground up.
Demand for skills in South Africa was so high that banks and financial services organizations launched their own cybersecurity academics. To address this we need governments to work more with the private sector to stimulate cybersecurity innovation.
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