Goal Mapping: 7 Simple Steps to Fulfilling Your Dreams


The Goal Mapping System is 7 simple steps that help to activate a person’s ‘whole-brain’ by using a unique combination of words and pictures. The process of going through the 7 steps of Goal Mapping creates great levels of conscious clarity about What is to be achieved, the Priority and Why, When, How and Who will be needed. By creating a Goal Map in words and pictures, it activates both sides of the brain, helping to balance vision with strategy. This process also powerfully commands the subconscious mind, which works like a personal autopilot, to motivate and empower the user towards the achievement of their targets and goals. Goal Mapping is truly universal and can be focused for specific situations and used ongoing after the workshop to support achievement in many areas and objectives.

The system has helped individuals and businesses to achieve success relating to wealth, heath, career, education, sport, weight-loss and whatever else you dream. If you feel that despite your dedication to success, nothing seems to be working, this book will help you. If you are frustrated because your planned initiatives are not achieved, this book can give you what you are looking for. If you are a student and you find it difficult studying, gaining good grades and aiming higher for a brighter future, this book is for you.



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